一、 什么企业需要进行非居民企业所得税汇算清缴?
1. What company should apply for the final settlement of income tax?
(1) A company (hereinafter referred to as taxpayer) which was set up in accordance with the law of a foreign country (region) with its actual administration institution outside the territory of China but institutions or establishments in Shenzhen shall apply for the final settlement of income tax, regardless of profits or losses.
(2) A company may not apply for the final settlement of its income tax of the year under any of the following circumstances:
1. 临时来华承包工程和提供劳务不足1年,在年度中间终止经营活动,且已经结清税款;
1. The company temporarily comes to China to contract projects and provide labor services for less than 1 year, terminates business activities in the middle of the year, and has settled taxes;
2. 汇算清缴期内已办理注销;
2. The company has been canceled during the final settlement;
3. 其他经主管税务机关批准可不参加当年度所得税汇算清缴。
3. Other circumstances under which the company should not apply for the final settlement of its income tax of the year with the approval of the competent tax authority.
2. When is the time limit for the final settlement?
The taxpayer shall submit the Company Annual Income Tax Settlement Declaration Form to the tax authority within five months after the end of the year and settle its payable and refundable tax.
If a taxpayer terminates its business activities in the middle of the year, it shall apply for the settlement of its current income tax to the tax authority within 60 days from the date of actual termination of business.
3. How can a company apply for the final settlement of income tax?
For the 2019 final settlement of corporate income tax, the taxpayer can apply on the official website or go to the tax authority.
The taxpayer shall complete and submit the applicable declaration form on the official website of Shenzhen Tax Service, State Taxation Administration, within the prescribed time limit for final settlement.
If the taxpayer cannot apply online, it can directly go to the tax service hall with relevant materials for the final settlement.
4. Application procedure
A taxpayer (company that should pay tax under actual basis) shall enter the interface by clicking [Tax]-[Tax Declaration and Settlement]-[Corporate Income Tax]-[Annual Declaration of Corporate Income Tax (under Actual Basis)] to declare its annual income tax online.
A taxpayer (company that should pay tax under deemed basis) shall enter the interface by clicking [Tax]-[Tax Declaration and Settlement]-[Corporate Income Tax]-[Annual Declaration of Corporate Income Tax (under Deemed Basis)] to declare its annual income tax online.
5. What materials should be submitted by a company to apply for the final settlement of income tax?
(1) Company Annual Income Tax Settlement Declaration Form and its attachments. The company under audit basis shall fill in the Company Annual Income Tax Settlement Declaration Form of the People’s Republic of China (Applicable for Companies under Actual Basis) (2015 Version). The company under deemed basis shall fill in the Company Annual Income Tax Settlement Declaration Form of the People’s Republic of China (Applicable for Companies under Deemed Basis) / (No Permanent Establishment and Tax Exemption Declaration for International Transportation) (2015 Version). A company which has institutions and establishments in Shenzhen and needs to pay consolidated income tax shall fill in the Company Annual Income Tax Settlement Declaration Form of the People’s Republic of China (2019 Version) (Revised by the No. 16 State Taxation Administration Announcement in 2019).
(2) As for the 2019 final settlement of corporate income tax, the taxpayer should keep related settlement materials for possible review, that is, related settlement materials shall be kept by the taxpayer itself, and shall only be submitted at the request of the competent tax authority.
——来自深圳地区的咨询2020-05-11 16:38:06